We invite you to join us in celebrating our 10 year anniversary by becoming a valued supporter. Your donation will directly contribute to the success of our concerts and help us continue to share the gift of music with our community. Please consider making a contribution that is meaningful to you, and know that every dollar makes a difference. See the information below for our new annual donor levels and benefits, and the small but sincere ways we can thank you for your financial support!
Annual Donor Tiers
Sustaining, monthly donors - Fermata Circle
Recognition in the season’s concert program donor listing.
Invitation to all donor recognition events.
$1-99 - Sixteenth Note Circle
Recognition in the season’s concert program donor listing.
Invitation to all donor recognition events.
$100-$249 - Eighth Note Circle
Recognition in the season’s concert program donor listing.
Invitation to all donor recognition events.
Pin(s) up to 2
Pre-Concert wine reception at select concerts
$250-$499 - Quarter Note Circle
Recognition in the season’s concert program donor listing.
Invitation to all donor recognition events.
Pin(s) up to 2
Pre-Concert wine reception at select concerts
New! 2 Premium, reserved seats at a Christmas Through the Ages performance
$500-$999 - Half Note Circle
Recognition in the season’s concert program donor listing.
Invitation to all donor recognition events.
Pin(s) up to 2
Pre-Concert wine reception at select concerts for 2
New! 2 Premium, reserved seats at a Christmas Through the Ages performance
2 Premium, reserved seats at the Baroque Chamber Music Messiah performance of your choice
$1000+ - Whole Note Circle
Recognition in the season’s concert program donor listing.
Invitation to all donor recognition events.
Pin(s) up to 4
Pre-Concert wine reception at select concerts for 4
New! 4 Premium, reserved seats at a Christmas Through the Ages performance
4 Premium, reserved seats at the Baroque Chamber Music Messiah performance of your choice
If you'd like to make a donation, please click on the "Donate" button below,
or contact KCP directly at 216-217-7721. Thank you!